5 High School Drive


Building 5 High School Drive

Montpelier, VT, USA

Montpelier High School, Capital City Farmers Market


Icon-transparency Transparency

This building has a 1 year timeline with 2 green activities.


Montpelier High School
reported on 01/01/2007
Solar Installed
The Solar Foundation National Solar Schools Census
Montpelier High School
NCES Public Schools

Walk Score®: 57/100


Building Details

CBSA Barre, VT
USGBC Chapter Vermont Green Building Network
EPA Region New England
ASHRAE Climate Zone ASHRAE Climate Zone #6
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Micropolitan (nonmetropolitan)
Utility Provider Green Mountain Power Corp.
school level High
lowest grade taught 9th Grade
highest grade taught 12th Grade
school type Regular School
charter school No
operational status Open
total enrollment 313
date 2014-04-07
accepts credit card Y
accepts wic farmers market nutrition program N
accepts wic cash vouchers N
accepts senior farmers market nutrition program sfmnp N
accepts supplemental nutrition assistance program snap Y
solar capacity kw 2.64
system type PV
year installed 2007
installer RGS Energy
lowest grade 9th Grade
highest grade 12th Grade
total students 324
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