25 New Chardon Street


Building 25 New Chardon Street

Boston, MA, USA

25 New Chardon Street (207)


Icon-transparency Transparency

This building has a 2 year timeline with 4 green activities.


25 New Chardon Street
reported on 10/01/2015
Boston Building Energy Disclosure (2014)

Walk Score®: 97/100

Transit Score®: 0/100


Building Details

Space Type(s) Office
CBSA Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH
USGBC Chapter Massachusetts Chapter
EPA Region New England
NHCS Urban Rural Classification Large central metro
Utility Provider Boston Edison Co.
Building Type Office
Building Owner Bulfinch
Label Year(s) 2017, 2015, 2014
Rating(s) 75, 85, 85
Year Constructed 1967
Number of Years Certified 3
Certification Years 2014, 2015, 2017
Score(s) 85, 85, 75
Property type Office
Year constructed 1967
site eui kbtusf 63.4
property uses Office, Parking
municipal building No
year built 1967
ghg emissions mtco2e 562.7
ghg intensity kgco2sf 5.1
total site energy kbtu 7,056,680
electricity 61%
gas 39%
steam 0%
water intensity galsf 1272.48
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